Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

No sooner than the Trump trio, of White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt and Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategy Dina Habib Powell (born in Egypt and living in Texas), came to the Middle East, meeting with Israeli and Palestinian officials, then shuttling to meetings with leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, to try and restart the Israeli-Palestinian “Peace Process,” Hurricane Harvey began to hit Texas, with it’s G-D given power of destruction. Now, exactly twelve years later, Louisiana is being hit again too.

In fact the G-D of Israel has been doing this, since the beginning of the “Peace Process”. In March 1991, President George H. W. Bush pushed Israel into attending the Madrid Peace Conference, later that year Hurricane “Perfect Storm” attacked the East Coast of the United States. Bush, staying at his vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine at the time, had to evacuate. His house was damaged.

In my September 2005 article, “Israel to America, I Warned You...” I wrote, “Well, it’s begun; less than a week after the Israeli army expelled thousands of Jews from their homes in Gaza and Northern Samaria, uprooting 25 communities, American troops were "evacuating" people from their homes in Louisiana and Mississippi. The greatest "natural" disaster has happened in American history. The Hand of G-D is written all over this one.”

Many in Israel and America, Jews and non-Jews had seen "G-D’s Hand," in the hurricane disaster [Katrina].

In 2005, Jerusalem Kabbalist, Rabbi David Batzri said about Katrina that, “Divine retribution is meted out according to the principle of “measure for measure,” just as the Jews were forced out of their homes as a result of US pressure on Israel, so too are Americans being forced out of their homes." Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel said, “He [Bush] brought about the expulsion [from Gaza], now he has his own expulsion.”

Whenever this country encourages Israel to give up any part of their rightful God-given land we have suffered the consequences,” wrote a discussion-board participant on the website of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

John Green, senior fellow at a Washington Think Tank (Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life) said, about half of Americans believe that a divine power sends judgment through hurricanes, floods and natural disasters. “The basic idea that God is in charge and he expects people to behave and he isn’t happy when they don’t, that’s a very common idea,” Green explained.

At the time, even Illinois’ liberal Democratic Congressman, Jesse Jackson Jr, said at a news conference, “God is responsible for this and in his own time he will reveal why.”

Well Jesse, we already know why...

I explained why in my earlier June 2005 article, “Israel, Tell America the cold, hard truth,” warning there, “America, your country is in danger. The G-D of Israel, who has brought His people (the Jews) home after 2,000 years, is watching your every move. Stop pushing Israel into suicidal concessions (giving away parts of its homeland to a non-existent group, the so-called Palestinians), before it’s too late, and your fate is sealed.”

As I said then, “The redemption of the Jewish People and their return to the Holy Land (Israel) is an unstoppable divine process...the "Palestinians" won´t stop it, the Europeans won´t stop it, and America won’t stop it. If America continues to promote the "rights" of the "Palestinians" (what the Bible calls "a non- people" - Deut. 32:21), know that you are going against the G-D of History and Jewish destiny. Beware!”

Just like when George Bush and Condi Rice worked to promote the expulsion of about 10,000 Gazan and Samarian Jews from their homes, destroying whole communities in the process, in 2005, to curry Arab favor (that time to gain support for America’s war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq); the Trump administration is continuing to work, to sacrifice Israel, on the Altar of “Middle East Peace,” to gain support of a Sunni coalition of states against Shiite Iran.

A US official cited in a Washington Post article by David Ignatius recently, explained that “The Trump administration is exploring new approaches for easing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that builds on talks with the budding Sunni Arab coalition of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan.”

The Saudi Ambassador to Washington, Khaled bin Salman, cited by the Washington Post, noted that his older brother, Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, was “optimistic in light of the commitment of Donald Trump to achieve a just and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”

The new American strategy seems to be, unite the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, under Abbas’ leadership, so that a united Palestinian bloc could renew negotiations with Israel. The Trump administration is trying to use it’s connections with the Sunni Arab states to exert pressure on all the Palestinian factions to join up. The Americans, in return, have pledged to bring Israel to the negotiating table when the Palestinians are ready. And to grease the squeaky wheel, the US is trying to bring Jerusalem and Ramallah together through joint economic initiatives.

Meanwhile, the Arab coalition has tried to move Hamas closer to Egypt and the UAE, and distance them from Qatar, which for years has been a major financial backer. Mohammed Dahlan, a Gazan now living in the UAE, has been the key intermediary. For years, floated as a potential successor to Abbas, he returned to Gaza and organized UAE-financed humanitarian aid there. Dahlan’s aid to Gaza is said to include about $15 million a month in food and social assistance for families, plus additional money for electricity and water.

The plan is to provide economic and social support, through Egypt, with Israel’s blessing, that can weaken the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence. Israel has allowed fuel and other shipments to pass from Egypt through the border crossing at Rafiah, signaling it’s tacit support. Dahlan and the UAE have larger plans. Dahlan said the UAE has pledged to finance a $100 million electricity plant, to be built on the Egyptian side of the border, to help power Gaza. Although Dahlan is a long-time rival of Abbas, US officials insist they don’t want to undermine the PA leader.

True, the Israeli government carried out the first internationally sanctioned ethnic cleansing of the 21st century, expelling Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria in 2005, but did America have to encourage it?

True Netanyahu is going along with America’s latest plan, but the Trump administration is actively pushing the “Peace Process”.

Who cares what Sharon wanted, or Bush wanted, or the EU or UN wanted in 2005. Who cares what Netanyahu thinks he needs to do to preserve his Premiership, or the Trump administration needs to do to build his Arab coalition today.

What one, who has some sense in his head must consider is, what does the G-D of Israel want? And that, over the last one hundred years, has become abundantly clear. The G-D of Israel has been manipulating history to bring about what He promised thousands of years ago to our forefathers, as recorded in the Bible’s prophecies, Jews are returning to their Promised Land from the four corners of the earth, they are being redeemed.

America’s support for the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif in Gaza ran counter to G-D’s Plan, and it’s clear that His "payback time" came swift and furious, as Hurricane Katrina uprooted whole communities along America’s Gulf Coast.
So too now, America’s new attempts to promote “Peace,” with the threat of throwing Jews out of their homes from Judea and Samaria, has brought the catastrophe that is Hurricane Harvey, to Texas and Louisiana.

Just as Jews were made refugees
from Gush Katif, so were Americans. Just as Jews lost homes and property, so did Americans...And now again with Hurricane Harvey!

As I warned
Americans in 2005, “America is on the fast track to Hell, I couldn’t say it any clearer, unless you change your government’s policies toward Israel and the so-called "Peace Process"...Just as the Soviet Union fell, [by not letting it’s Jews leave for Israel] so too will America, if it causes a Palestinian State to come into existence.”

And all this is happening at a time, when America is ripping itself apart. Fighting in the streets between extreme left and extreme right, is slowly moving America closer to civil war. Then there’s North Korea destabilizing East Asia and threatening to nuke the US. Wake up America before it’s too late, stop kowtowing to your enemy, fanatic Islam, whether of the Wahhabi Sunni or Shiite version. Stop pushing your ally Israel into trying to commit suicide. You will just be the loser for it.

I don’t know G-D’s timetable, if China will replace the US and become the next world superpower, or the Messiah will come first and destroy the Palestinian Authority, but what I can tell you is that the G-D of Israel will wreck havoc with any country that opposes His purposes in history...

The final redemption of the Jewish People has begun; America, join up or beware!

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers.
His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko. He can be contacted at: ArielNatanPasko@columnist.com
(c) 2017/5777 Pasko

Published at: JewishPress.com, ConservativeNewsandViews.com, BreakingIsraelNews.com, etc.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

North Korea: The Israeli Connection

Why should Jews globally, and Israelis, care about what’s going on, way over there on the Korean peninsula? Because as good world citizens we should? Because the second largest Jewish community, after Israel, is being threatened in America? Because the North Koreans are Weapons of Mass Destruction proliferators? Because of their aiding Iranian, Syrian, and possibly even Hamas and Hezbollah weapons development? Because we now have a chance to judge how the new American administration deals with a crisis, highly impacting on close allies? Because the latest North Korean ICBM test proves North Korea can hit Israel? If you answered, all of the above, you win the grand prize, an escape card from Nuclear Incineration Island…

By the way, North Korea has never recognized the State of Israel. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the opening up of China, North Korea has continued it’s Cold War rhetoric, calling Israel an “imperialist satellite’’.

North Korea has continuously supported the Palestinian cause. Relations with the PLO began in 1966. Kim Il-Sung - the current North Korean leader’s grandfather - and Yasser Arafat, had a very close relationship. North Korea provided arms and aid to the PLO, PFLP, and DFLP throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s. Since Yasser Arafat’s declaration of independence in 1988, North Korea has recognized the “State of Palestine’’. To prove the point, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas recently congratulated North Korea, in honor of the country's Liberation Day. Abbas wished “the Korean people continued stability and prosperity; and that the historical friendly relations between Palestine and North Korea and their two peoples will continue to develop and grow.” 

There’s never been a military conflict between Israel and North Korea…

Guess again, during the Yom Kippur War of 1973, North Korea sent 20 pilots and 19 non-combat military advisors to Egypt. They deployed a MiG-21 squadron to Bir Arida to protect Egypt’s south, the first aerial engagement on the Egyptian front, took place on October 6th, when Israeli F-4s engaged North Korean-piloted MiG-21s. On October 19th, the NYT reported that the Soviet news agency TASS disclosed that Premier Kim Il-Sung had met with Egyptian and Syrian ambassadors in Pyongyang, promising “to give material assistance, including military aid” to them.

Over the years, North Korea has supplied various weapons, missile technologies, and NBC - Mass-Destruction – technologies, to several of Israel's enemies, including Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Hezbollah and Hamas. For example, Libya had the same designs as North Korea for a 500-kilogram nuclear warhead missile, before Gaddafi shut down the program.

Because of the Syrian Civil War, the Assad regime has lost a lot of equipment. The North Koreans have replenished them with T-55 tanks (North Korean variants), trucks, RPGs and shoulder-fired missiles. According to North Korean expert, Bruce Bechtol, “if you look at the Syrian army, it is much like the North Korean one, based on legacy Soviet systems from the 1950s and 1960s.”

Syrian-North Korean nuclear cooperation can be clearly seen. On September 6, 2007, when the IAF attacked a target in the Deir ez-Zor region of Syria, it was reported that at least 10 North Koreans, who “had been helping with the construction of a nuclear reactor’’ were killed during the airstrike. The Syrian nuclear facility, was nearly identical to that of North Korea’s Yongbyon installation. According to reports, the facility was built by North Koreans and financed by Iran.

North Korea has forged a relationship with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) since 1983. North Korea sends weapons to Hezbollah via the IRGC trafficking network, or transfers them through Syria, or they are shipped directly from North Korea to Hezbollah in Lebanon, paid for by Iran.

Since 2003, North Korean engineers have built underground facilities for Hezbollah, directly into rock, some of which the IDF struggled to target, in the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Hezbollah has an entire underground “city” of command and control bunkers and tunnels in southern Lebanon, all built with the aid of the Iranians, who paid the Korean Mining Development Company to do it. North Korean technicians moved into Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, pretending to be Chinese domestic workers.

After the 2006 war, 100 Hezbollah fighters traveled to North Korea for a year of training in guerrilla warfare tactics, under a body known at the time as the Reconnaissance Bureau. North Korean advisers have also trained Hezbollah fighters in Iran.

North Korea has thousands of 107mm and 122mm rockets sitting around in warehouses, plus rocket-propelled grenades and SKS semiautomatic rifles. Looking for cash, the North Korean regime has sold many of these arms to Hezbollah.

Hamas, like Hezbollah, has close links with North Korea, which is happy to support groups that are opposed to Western interests in the Middle East. The relationship between Hamas and North Korea first became public in 2009 when 35 tons of arms, including surface-to-surface rockets and rocket-propelled grenades, were seized after a cargo plane carrying the equipment was forced to make an emergency landing at Bangkok airport. Investigators later confirmed that the arms had been destined for Iran, who planned to transfer them to Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza. In 2014, North Korea and Hamas struck a deal for the sale of 102mm and 107mm multiple rocket launchers. Hamas installed some of these systems on pickup trucks.

North Korea regularly condemns Israeli defensive actions against Hamas, such as during the 2008-2009 and 2014 Israel-Gaza conflicts, and the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid as “crimes against humanity,’’ as well as a threat to the Middle East Peace Process.

The North Koreans have one of the world’s most sophisticated network of tunnels running beneath the demilitarized zone with South Korea. The IDF believes Hamas has used this expertise to improve their own tunnel network in Gaza. For example, the type of cement reinforcement, enabling Hamas fighters to move weapons without detection by Israeli drones, is similar to North Korean tunnels.

And now for Iran; during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, North Korea began selling them Scud B missiles. They also sold Iran artillery, tanks and trucks, Soviet-made equipment from the 1950s and 1960s.

Since then, North Korea has sold Iran Scud B, C, D, extended-range scuds, and played a c
entral role in Iran’s domestic missile development program. They’ve helped Iran build the Safir two-stage missile and the Sejil solid fuel missile. Iran’s Imad and Shihab-3 ballistic missile programs are based on North Korea’s Nodong missile prototype, with an extended range.

North Korea
has sent at least two long-range missile parts shipments to Iran in the past two years. Iranian technicians also traveled to North Korea for help in developing an 80-ton rocket booster.

Since the mid-2000s, Iran came up with an ingenious way to avoid US missile nonproliferation enforcement. It built Shihab-3 “factories,” which were actually North Korean-supervised assembly stations, allowing North Korea to smuggle the missiles in pieces. The components are assembled under the supervision of North Korean advisers. The same thing happens with the Scud D missiles in Syria, and with chemical weapons in Syria according to Bechtol.

Iran is still relying on parts coming over from North Korea. The North Koreans split them up into components – they are harder to detect that way. Without North Korea, Iran’s entire liquid fuel ballistic missile industry would grind to a halt, he said. The Assad regime, too, would lose its Scud missile program.

Bechtol claims the North Koreans helped Iran develop a nuclear warhead for the Nodong missile, and assisted with the Iranian plutonium reactor at Arak. “We know that the head of Iran’s highly enriched uranium program was in North Korea in 2013, likely to observe a uranium nuclear test,” he said.

About the latest crisis between America and North Korea, watch closely. America fought a serious war on the Korean Peninsula in the early 1950’s with North Korea, and has been South Korea’s ally and protector since. They also have had a strategic partnership with Japan, since the 1950’s. As the saying goes, “countries don’t have friends, just interests.” There are close parallels between the US, South Korea and Japan, vis-à-vis North Korea, and the US and Israel, vis-à-vis Iran. So Jews and Israel should be watching closely how the Trump administration “protects” its allies. One can get a picture of just how well America would cover Israel under its “security umbrella,” when pushing Israel to take a “chance for peace” as has been suggested, in any future Middle East peace deal, by watching the Korean crisis unfold. And, it will give a clue as to how much Israel can count on the US in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program.

Guess what, if you thought the latest ballistic missile tests of North Korea proved they can finally hit Israel, you’re wrong. They’ve been able to hit Israel theoretically, since their 2012 test of the Taepodong-2, or in 2013 with their UnHa-3, which successfully launched a satellite and could have carried a 500-kilogram nuclear warhead. See, satellite launching ability and ICBM nuclear warhead delivery are closely related.

Don’t worry, Israel has its own Jericho-3 ICBM that could hit North Korea, not to mention Iran. Israel’s Jericho-3, is a missile with a multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warhead, allowing for more flexibility in targeting and better anti-ballistic missile (ABM) survivability. In fact with Israel’s submarines and aircraft loaded with nuclear tipped cruise missiles, Israel has a nuclear triad, of land, sea, and air delivered weapons, guaranteeing a credible second-strike capability.

And if that’s not enough deterrence, don’t forget Israel’s homegrown multi-tiered missile defense system, including Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow-2 and 3, and the Barak-8. The Arrow-3 is not only an anti-ICBM missile, but can be used as an anti-satellite weapon as well. Iron Beam and Drone Dome are laser-interception systems.

Lt. Gen. Patrick J. O'Reilly, Director of the Missile Defense Agency in the American Dept. of Defense, said in 2009: The design of Arrow-3 promises to be an extremely capable system, more advanced than what we have ever attempted in the US with our programs...This has to do with the seekers that have greater flexibility and other aspects, such as propulsion systems – it will be an extremely capable system. Maybe America can get some Israeli Arrow-3 batteries, to protect themselves against incoming North Korean ICBMs.

The Arrow-3 system was just declared fully operational in January of 2017, but believe it or not, Israel is already developing a concept for a sort of Arrow-4 system, to keep one step ahead of its enemies. Israel’s MAFAT Defense Research and Development Authority of the Ministry of Defense, along with state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries and other defense firms, are working to evaluate technologies needed to improve the ability to track, target and ultimately destroy future threats, such as massive salvo strikes, sub-munition warheads and multiple reentry vehicles, or MRVs.

About the vulnerable Jews in America, who have used the excuse for years, that “it’s to dangerous to live in Israel;” well, it’s about time for Aliya – to come home to Israel - before it’s too late, no more excuses!

Do you have your Escape Card yet?

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko. He can be contacted at: ArielNatanPasko@columnist.com

(c) 2017/5777 Pasko

Published at: Arutz Sheva/IsraelNationalNews.com, JewishPress.com, ConservativeNewsandViews.com, ManhigutYehudit-JewishLeadership, IntellectualConservative.com , etc.

Do You Feel the Churban Yet?

I gave you The City and the Holy Mount in ‘67 and you spurned them and returned the keys to Mine enemies, the Waqf, and their ilk. Do you feel the churban – destruction - yet, My wayward son, My firstborn? Riots and murder take the place of your prayers, and the sacrifice of your elders and children on the alters of your enemies, instead of the sweet aroma of the offerings in My house that you never built for me, because of your pride,’’ saith the L-rd God of Israel.

Do you feel the churban yet?

Your fast day is coming. I so wanted to turn it into a day of rejoicing, Our wedding feast relived, but you stubbornly ignored My pleas, My hints, the miracles I did for you and your fathers. You chose the enemy within your borders, instead of Me. Fear of the gentile, and worries on how to placate him, filled your minds, while scorning Me and Our relationship, my beloved. How could you turn your backs on your history, your destiny, when I gave you everything you dreamed of for almost 2,000 years?” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

Do you feel the churban yet?

But you can still redeem yourselves, there’s still time. Throw those foxes off the Mount and don’t let them back this time. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. No power on earth can oppose you when you choose to worship Me, My special treasure, My people Israel,” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

I loved your fathers and your mothers, your prophets and kings, your scholars and wise men with a love not of this world. And, I love you that way too. I only ask for the same from you, My prized possession from all the peoples of the earth,” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

Do you feel the redemption yet?

I will be there with you every step of the way, I never abandoned you, and you must believe Me. Fear nothing or no one, for I am with you. I give you the power and strength to do what must be done, My people Israel,” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

I only ask, that you carry out justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God,” Micha 6:8.

Do you feel the redemption yet?

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
He can be contacted at: ArielNatanPasko@columnist.com

(c) 2017/5777 Pasko

Published at: Arutz Sheva/IsraelNationalNews.com, etc.

Do You Feel the Churban Yet?

I gave you The City and the Holy Mount in ‘67 and you spurned them and returned the keys to Mine enemies, the Waqf, and their ilk. Do you feel the churban – destruction - yet, My wayward son, My firstborn? Riots and murder take the place of your prayers, and the sacrifice of your elders and children on the alters of your enemies, instead of the sweet aroma of the offerings in My house that you never built for me, because of your pride,’’ saith the L-rd God of Israel.

After two Israeli police officers were shot to death near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, it was only normal for the government to increase security, to prevent the smuggling of weapons onto the Temple Mount, by placing metal detectors and more video cameras.

Chairman Avi Dichter of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said afterward, ‘’Israel is the sovereign on the Temple Mount, period. The fact that the Waqf (Muslim Trust) became a sovereign on the Temple Mount, ended last Friday.’’ Israelis seemed to agree, according to a Channel 2 TV poll, 68% of Israeli’s felt it was right to put up the metal detectors.

Interviewed by Israeli radio, Dicther, the former head of the Shabak - Israel Security Agency - said, "In the past they tried the ‘Al-Aqsa is in danger’ campaign, and now they have moved to a new campaign that says ‘The Temple Mount is equal to Al-Aqsa.’ They are trying to make it a problem for Jews to go up to the Temple Mount…Just as no non-Muslim can enter Mecca and Medina, they want to do so on the Temple Mount, but the mount will be under the control of the Israel Police."

But, Arabs refused to ascend the mount for Muslim prayers, for almost two weeks, because of the “occupation’s metal detectors,” and many confused Israeli politicians, journalists and the artsy-craftsy-elitist class, cried over the Arabs refusal, calling on the government to remove the new security arrangements. Meanwhile, the Arabs called for “Days of Rage” and went on a killing spree, stabbing to death, a grandfather and his adult son and daughter in Halamish during their Sabbath dinner, and carrying out numerous other violent attacks throughout Israel.

Do you feel the churban yet?

Your fast day is coming. I so wanted to turn it into a day of rejoicing, Our wedding feast relived, but you stubbornly ignored My pleas, My hints, the miracles I did for you and your fathers. You chose the enemy within your borders, instead of Me. Fear of the gentile, and worries on how to placate him, filled your minds, while scorning Me and Our relationship, my beloved. How could you turn your backs on your history, your destiny, when I gave you everything you dreamed of for almost 2,000 years?” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

While the EU, UN, and White House all quickly condemned the terrorist attack on the Israeli police officers, and that in Halamish, the Pope was more morally noncommittal calling for, “moderation and dialogue”. As could be expected, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, the Arab League, Turkey, and many others condemned Israel for it’s handling of the events. Then after several days of Arab rioting and violence, Trump sent Kushner, Greenblatt and Friedman – sounds more like a Jewish law firm than diplomats and statesmen – to pressure Netanyahu to remove the metal detectors and other security enhancements, which he and his cabinet agreed to do. Talk about giving into evil…

Do you feel the churban yet?

Then, after removing the metal detectors, the Arabs returned to pray at the Temple Mount and rioted again. Hamas, Nasrallah from Hezbollah, the PA, etc, all claimed victory over the Jews.

Do you feel the churban yet?

But Israelis aren’t totally lost yet, according to the Channel 2 poll, 77% of Israelis felt that the removal of the metal detectors signaled Israel’s surrender and were against doing it. In spite of the violence from the Arabs, Am Yisrael – the Jewish people – are stronger than their leaders. They await leadership worthy of them.

You can still redeem yourselves, there’s still time. Throw those foxes off the Mount and don’t let them back this time. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. No power on earth can oppose you when you choose to worship Me, My special treasure, My people Israel,” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

I loved your fathers and your mothers, your prophets and kings, your scholars and wise men with a love not of this world. And, I love you that way too. I only ask for the same from you, My prized possession from all the peoples of the earth,” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

Do you feel the redemption yet?

I will be there with you every step of the way, I never abandoned you, and you must believe Me. Fear nothing or no one, for I am with you. I give you the power and strength to do what must be done, My people Israel,” saith the L-rd God of Israel.

I only ask, that you carry out justice (don’t let evil run wild), love kindness (protect the innocent), and walk humbly with your God,” Micha 6:8.

Do you feel the redemption yet?

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
He can be contacted at: ArielNatanPasko@columnist.com

(c) 2017/5777 Pasko

Published at: BreakingNewsIsrael.com, JewishPress.com, etc.


The new Israeli ''grocery bag tax'' law that went into effect in January, is flawed...it doesn't cover Judea and Samaria. And, Jews in Judea are up in arms to keep it that way. Unless and until, the State of Israel decides to stop treating Judeans as second class colonists, under a military regime - the Ministry of Defense - but as equal citizens, and annexes the territories; Judeans refuse to pay the bloody thing.

In 1750, Jonathan Mayhew, a Boston pastor, used the phrase, "no taxation without representation" in a sermon. And, in 1766, before the Boston Tea Party, Benjamin Franklin told the British House of Commons that, "an internal tax is forced from the people without their consent if not laid by their own representatives. The Stamp Act...is intended to extort our money from us or ruin us by the consequence of refusing to pay it."

No law from the Israeli parliament, no declaration by the defense establishment, no decision of some petty clerk will suffice. Judeans demand ''No Taxation Without Annexation''!

According to reports, corporate giants in the region have been collaborating with the tax authorities, while denying Judeans their basic rights. The Rami Levi, Shufersol, and Victory grocery chains have been charging ten agorot for each plastic grocery bag. They're cooperating with this bloody regulation, extorting tax monies from the residents of Judea and Samaria, and this without even having the decency to give out the reusable material bags, as mandated by the new law. The sniveling cowards that they are…

This is just another example of where the rights of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have been trampled upon; where they have been treated as second class citizens.

No laws or declarations by some Knesset far away in Jerusalem, no collaborating cowardice from big business, no passive acceptance by the bullied masses, will calm the passions of true Judeans, who demand ''No Taxation Without Annexation''!

Fighting back, former Samaria Regional Council Head Gershon Mesika recently brought a class action lawsuit against these corporate collaborators, and in a settlement, Victory agreed to provide 40,000 free plastic bags to customers, plus compensation to Mesika and his lawyer. We await the conclusion of the negotiations, to see the consequences to Rami Levi and Shufersol’s collaboration with the tax authorities.

In a related matter, the Women in Green’s Ribonut (Sovereignty) campaign has begun to catch on after several years of conferences and a lot of work promoting the idea of Israeli annexation of Judea and Samaria. Donald Trump’s recent attempt to revive the so-called Peace Process, has given the idea new urgency among many Israeli politicians. During the recent celebration of the 50th anniversary of Israel’s liberating Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Ribonut hung posters all around, saying, ‘’Continuing Zionism with Building and Sovereignty’’ which rhymes in Hebrew, ‘’Mamshichim B’Tzionut, B’biniya V’ribonut’’.

A recent poll found that a majority of Israeli Jews (55.2%) said Israel should have annexed all of the territories captured in the 1967 Six Day War, immediately after the war. Even after fifty years of unceasing leftist propaganda about Israeli ‘’occupation’’ of the territories, and demonizing ‘’settlers,’’ those Israelis who chose to live there; 62.2% of Israeli Jews say there is no occupation of Judea and Samaria, and Israelis are still fairly evenly divided on whether Israel should today annex it, with 44.4% endorsing such a move, and 45% opposing annexation.

Similarly, historians estimate that about 40-45% of the white population in the Thirteen Colonies supported the Patriots' cause, during the American Revolution, while the remainder were either Loyalist – to Britain - or kept quiet.

And, in another recent poll of Israeli Jews, when asked whether they would support giving away parts of the Old City of Jerusalem - which Israel annexed back in 1980 - to the Palestinians, in return for a final status peace agreement, if they knew that without a partition of the Old City no agreement would be possible, 87% said no, including 47% of self-described leftists.

Yet, taking Eastern Jerusalem, including the Old City, away from the Jewish people, and making it the capital of a Palestinian state, is a key demand of the PA. So what’s the point of negotiations?

At the beginning of the American War for Independence, in 1775, Patrick Henry before the Second Virginia Convention roared, ''I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!''

Where is Judea's Patrick Henry? From where will come the Judean patriots? Who will rise up, and declare, ''Give me annexation or give me independence''? Will it be WIG founders and Judeans, Nadia Matar or Yehudit Katzover, similar to the American Whigs of the revolution, or someone else? We shall see.

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
He can be contacted at: ArielNatanPasko@columnist.com

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