Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reform Islam Now or Get More Ilhan Omars

The Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane, two attempts on the Twin Towers, 9/11, Al-Qaida, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, Little Rock, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, the Vaughan Foods beheading incident, the attacks on two military installations, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Paris attacks, 7/7 the London underground bombings and the list goes on and on and on.

It’s about time the Muslim community in America do some serious soul-searching, reform itself, and vomit out of their midst, their filth; if they want decent law abiding Americans to not suspect every Muslim, as a potential terrorist!

Good decent Muslim citizens of America, have to take a stand, as did those righteous people in Nazi Germany against their regime at the time. They have to publicly denounce their extremists and potential extremists, work with authorities to weed them out of their communities, and press for a more Reformed version of Islam.

A Reform Islam that no longer looks at non-Muslims as infidels. A Reform Islam that denounces Jihadism. A Reform Islam, that renounces the goal of the religion, as, to put the world under the reign of Allah, i.e. Islam, and Muslims. A Reform Islam that takes a live and let live attitude toward non-Muslims, and yes, even toward “wayward” Muslims!

Muslim on Muslim violence is one of the lesser spoken about tragedies. “Honor killings,” usually done to daughters, must stop. Bullying by extremists within the Muslim community, to tow the “Sharia Line,” whether in America, France, Britain, or anywhere else in the Democratic West, needs to be dealt with seriously, if all Muslim citizens don’t want be suspect. To the outsider, who can tell the victim from the victimizer?

Which brings me to Rep. Ilhan Omar… And, her disgusting recent, “Some people, did something,” reference to the 9/11 Twin Towers tragedy.

“Terrorists and all those who support them...” is what George W. Bush said after 9/11.

Those Muslims and Muslim organizations that don’t denounce and actively work to uproot; passively, quietly support. Or, at least are legitimate targets of suspicion from non-Muslims.

By contrast, Omar in her recent Council of American-Islamic Relations of Greater Los Angeles’ speech, wrapped herself and the Muslim community in Victimhood, not from their internal extremists, but American society at large.

“And I feel extremely lucky to to be here in California with all of you — fighting for justice, for equality, for the right for us to equally exist in this country. Many people expect our community to feel like it needs to hide every time something happens. But repeatedly, we have shown them that we are not to be bullied. We are not to be threatened. We are not to be terrorized. We are strong, resilient and we will always show up to be ourselves...”

Continuing the Victim Narrative, “So we are coming off a tragic, tragic nightmare that has happened to Muslims in New Zealand. Many of us know that this is not a one-off incident. Many of us were not shocked or surprised. Many of us were kind of holding our breath for a really long time thinking when will something like this happen...”

And then without missing a beat, no soul-searching here, she came out swinging, “...the reason I think that many of us knew that this was going to get worse is that we finally have a leader, a world leader, in the White House, who publicly says Islam hates us, who fuels hate against Muslims, who thinks it is okay to speak about a faith and a whole community in a way that is dehumanizing, vilifying...”

Did Trump start Jihadism against the West, or is he responding to it?

Fact check: In 2011, Pres. Obama ordered the entire federal national-security apparatus to get rid of counter-terrorism training material that instructed agents to focus on Islam itself, rather than specific terrorist groups. So what is she talking about, the American government long ago stopped a maybe overly general policy, which did actually make sense right after 9/11.

Maybe if Muslims like Omar took on their own thugs, instead of blaming the “infidels,” like Trump or “the Jews,” non-Muslims would be less suspicious of Islam and Muslims.

She continued, “...if you one day find yourself in a school where other religions are talked about, but when Islam is mentioned, we are only talking about terrorists and if you say something you are sent to the principal’s office. So to me, I say, raise hell, make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth: For too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen, and, frankly, I'm tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it.”

By the way, this MO, of playing victim, then when becoming strong enough, attacking, goes all the way back to Muhammad himself. After fleeing his enemies in Mecca, Muhammad and his entourage arrived in Yathrib (later Medina) near destitute. He started a “peace process,” between warring Arab tribes, became a person of stature, and negotiated a “Covenant of Medina,” which also promised “equality” for the Jews living there. Later when he became stronger, he broke the agreement, worked to convert the Jews to Islam, and when rejected, turned on them, attacking and killing two Jewish tribes and driving out the third.

If American Muslims don’t want to be conflated with terrorism, (which is most often carried out by Muslims, globally, I might add), or with anti-Semitism and hate, then they need to stand up, and put down their own self-appointed representatives like Ilhan.

Its either reform Islam now, or face getting more Ilhan Omars...      

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
(c) 2019/5779 Pasko

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Getting Ready For Korban Pesach This Year

What’s the real reason that we might not offer Korban Pesach (the Passover Offering) on the Temple Mount this year? I’ll tell you, one word, FEAR!

No, not fear of the gentiles. We had enough of that, from the last 2,000 years of abuse at their hands. No, I’m referring to fear of the Israeli police and government.

Really, there’s no good reason not to bring the Korban Pesach. Most of the halachic (Jewish Law) issues have been solved in the last couple hundred years, at least since the time of the Chatam Sofer, and particularly in our generation. Halacha is not the barrier. Go check it out.

Fear of the Israeli Authorities, is the only thing that holds back the Korban Pesach from being brought D’Orayta (as commanded in the Torah), on the Temple Mount.

So, the Passover offering that is supposed to symbolize complete faith in the G-d of Israel, and His redemptive process, has degenerated into eating more Matzah at the end of the Seder (the Afikoman). That, after we’ve already had our fill of Matzah earlier; instead of taking the symbol of the oppressor, chaining it in public for four days, then slaughtering it, roasting it in a way that the evil ones can see their “power” being destroyed, and then eating it, Real Korban Pesach! Just like before we left Egypt.

I really lust to bring the Korban Pesach to the Bet HaMikdash, and worship the G-d of Israel, the way He intended me to do, as described in His Holy Torah. Every year, I hope that this year, will be THE YEAR!

In fact, every committed Jew should desire the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash (the Third Holy Temple, the House of God) on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. But even before that, the Korban Pesach can be brought. As I said earlier, there are no halachic problems, to prevent it from being carried out properly today.

Interestingly, there is a similarity between Korban Pesach and Israel’s redemptive process unfolding before our eyes, in our time. Unlike other Offerings, if the majority of the nation is Tamei (Ritually Impure), as it is today, the Korban Pesach can be brought in an impure state.

So too, Israel’s Redemption comes whether the Jewish People are religiously observant or not. See Talmud Sanhedrin 97b, where Rabbi Yehoshua insists that “even if Am Yisrael does not do Teshuva (repentance), they will be redeemed.”

So, God has His own plan... And, we Jews, just have to have simple faith and trust in Him, and do what needs to be done.

Whether Jews of little faith understand it or not, every stabbing, every shooting, every act of terror and war by Arabs and Muslims against Jews, is a part of a long religious war taking place. That’s how they understand it. Well, let me tell you, there are Jews who understand this too. We shouldn’t let fear of the world or fear of the Israeli government, stop us from carrying out a Commandment of the Living God.

A couple years ago, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Palestinian Authority Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, threatened that if Jews “...hold Pesach (Passover) religious ceremonies on the Temple Mount...and continue attacks against the Muslim and Palestinian holy will turn the entire region into a ticking time bomb and cause a religious war, who’s results cannot be fathomed.”

“...A religious war, who’s results cannot be fathomed,” Hussein quipped. Well, we know what the results will be, just like every other war against the State of Israel, victory for the Jewish people again. See Talmud Megillah 17b, “The beginning of redemption comes through wars.”

“HaShem Ish Milchama...’’ The God of Israel is a Warrior, the Lord is his name (Exodus 15:3).

What prompted this outburst of the mufti? The mere attempt to reenact Korban Pesach – not even the real thing – by the Temple Institute and other Temple Mount organizations, near, but not on, the Temple mount in Jerusalem.

This year, on April 15th, the Sanhedrin will again oversee a full-dress reenactment of the Passover offering, for the eighth year. The ceremony will be held at the Davidson Center adjacent to the Temple Mount, as it was last year. By the way, the Arabs did nothing last year, or the year before.

But why a reenactment? FEAR!

The Yalkut Shimoni – a midrash – on the Book of First Samuel (106) teaches us an awesome lesson about the Churban/destruction and exile by the Romans, Rabbi Simeon Bar Menasya said, “Israel was only exiled after it rejected the following three things, Malchut Shamayim/the Kingdom of Heaven, Malchut Beit David/Kingship from the House of David, and the Beit HaMikdash/the Holy Temple.

We learn from this, that the cause of the exile of the Jewish people, was because we took too lightly, Torah observance (God’s rule), we should have demanded a rightful Davidic descendant be appointed as king, once the Maccabees drove out the Syrian Greeks, and Jews didn’t care enough about the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

A variant text in the Yalkut Shimoni explains from a different angle, why the Roman exile would be so long, as opposed to the limited seventy years of Babylonian exile, after the destruction of the First Temple. Rabbi Simeon Bar Menasya predicted, “In the future the following three things will be despised by Israel, the Kingdom of Heaven, David’s kingdom [the Messiah], and the building of the [Third] Temple.”

By the attitudes and behavior of most Jews today; the secularization and assimilation; apathy about the Messianic concept and the Temple Service; or FEAR of greatness in serving God, Rabbi Simeon’s prediction seems to have come true.

But there is a third variant text, that gives the solution, how to end the exile. Rabbi Simeon Bar Menasya said, “Israel will not see a sign of the redemption until they repent and demand the following three things, the Kingdom of Heaven, David’s kingdom [the Messiah], and the building of the [Third] Temple.”

To remedy the situation, end exile and bring the compete redemption, Jews must be taught to understand the value of these three things, then begin to demand them, and work to achieve them. The Sanhedrin’s reenactment of the Korban Pesach is a good first step. But, haven’t we been there, done that, already?

Maybe we should be bringing the real Passover Offering on the Temple Mount this year, instead of just re-enacting it nearby?
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
(c) 2019/5779 Pasko

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

An Israeli Policy: How to Annex Judea and Samaria

Israeli PM Netanyahu recently dropped a bombshell during an interview on Channel 12 television...

“I obtained President Trump’s declaration on the Golan Heights, which says that it is our territory forever,” Netanyahu said. He continued, “I persuaded him to recognize Jerusalem. I will not divide Jerusalem, I will not uproot a single settlement and I will make sure we control all the territory west of the Jordan.”

Then he dropped the bomb, “Yes, I’ll apply sovereignty. I don’t separate the large [settlement] blocs from the isolated points [settlements in Judea and Samaria].”

He’s only talking about parts of Area C...

Later, in an interview with Arutz Sheva, PM Netanyahu stated, “I prefer to do it with American support. I spoke about it with the relevant authorities and it takes time to coordinate. I am not talking about the entire area, but first of all about the settlements. Not just the blocs, but the blocs and the isolated settlements, I do not [intend to] abandon them or transfer them to Palestinian rule, which would destroy them.”

When asked about whether he agreed to the establishment of a Palestinian state, Netanyahu said, “There will be no Palestinian state, not as people talk about it. It will not be because I am making sure of it. I am not uprooting settlements, rather applying sovereignty to them. I am maintaining a united Jerusalem and I am maintaining our control on the entire area west of the Jordan River to prevent another Gaza.”

But control does not necessarily mean sovereignty...

“This is my policy,” he continued. “I told that to the Americans, President Trump and President Obama. Vice President Biden told me that this is not a state. I told him to call it whatever he wanted. He said it was not sovereignty. I said that that’s what I'm willing to do, that's all.”

Netanyahu said he planned on carrying out the annexation gradually and with American agreement. “I brought President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem, the transfer of the embassy and the recognition in the Golan Heights, which is very important to what I plan in Judea and Samaria.”

Netanyahu’s recent change of heart, supporting sovereignty, is still muddled thinking...

It follows a growing list of Israeli public figures who support Ribonut (The Sovereignty Movement), that’s been spearheaded by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, from “Women in Green.” Yet these pubic figures haven’t provided many details on exactly how they will carry it out, actual policies.

Woman in Green has promoted a plan called Tama 100, but it fails to discuss economic incentives to Arab emigration from Judea and Samaria, or reform of the Arab educational system, a “De-Palistinazification Program” for example. Nor does it discuss a path toward full integration of those Arabs left in Judea and Samaria, into the State of Israel. In fact, in their March issue of “Sovereignty: A Political Journal,” it says clearly about the Tama 100 plan, “Arab settlement blocs remain outside this track – there is no change in the status of the Arabs.” This is a sure prescription for accusations of Apartheid, and for failure.

By contrast, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked told Israel Hayom, in mid February, “We [her and Bennett, the New Right] are in favor of applying Israeli law to Area C, where 100,000 Palestinians live. They will be able to choose to become citizens or residents, whichever they prefer.”

When asked whether 400,000 residents of Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods would also receive full Israeli citizenship and the right to vote in Israel’s elections, Shaked said, “Jerusalem’s residents choose to receive residency, not citizenship. But, if we apply Israeli law to Area C, I’ll live peacefully with the fact that we gave 400-500,000 Palestinians, Israeli citizenship, and allowed them to vote in the Knesset’s elections. I’m not worried. Their birthrate is identical to our birthrate.”

More muddled thinking…

In 2017, Betzalel Smotrich, of the Union of Right-Wing Parties, wrote about his “One Hope Plan,” where he talked about economic incentive to encourage Arab emigration from Judea and Samaria and then said, “The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will conduct their daily lives on their own terms via regional municipal administrations lacking national characteristics. Like other local authorities these will hold their own elections, and will maintain regular economic and municipal relations between themselves and authorities of the State of Israel. In time, and contingent on loyalty to the state and its institutions, and on military or national service, models of residency and even citizenship will become available.”

Yet, there’s no talk of Israeli control over infrastructure, no discussion of changes to the educational system, and it allows the Arabs in Judea and Samaria to immediately choose their own municipal leadership and pay municipal taxes. The timeline is fuzzy, and there is no talk of a De-Palistinazification Program.

And, what’s this about military service for a recent enemy population…?

Smotrich addresses the possible “Apartheid” accusation, by saying they’ll hold their own elections. But, since he doesn’t discuss serious policies, about improving the life of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria (what I call “Sovereignty with Responsibility”), nor clear timelines for status issues, his answers to the “Apartheid” accusation are weak, in my opinion.

The Yesha Council, the umbrella organization of municipal councils of Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria, has a master plan, called “Hazon Ha-Million” (the Vision of One Million), to double the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria, which currently numbers 450,000, to one million, within the next ten years.

“If you look at all of the investments in infrastructure in the past 10 years, there was relatively little in Judea and Samaria,” says Hananel Dorani, chairman of the council. “Today, we are busy making master plans for electricity, transportation, water, alternative energy, industry, the economy, and the environment. If there will be four-lane highways here, it will give greater momentum to further settlement.”

They emphasize that their plan addresses the “Apartheid” issue. Planned improvements to the infrastructure will benefit both Jews and Arabs. CEO Yigal Dilmoni explained, “We are certain that we will be here and that we will stay forever, and we know that Arabs will be here as well. So, when I worry about the construction of a new road, so that there will not be accidents, it is not a road that will be for just for me, but rather, it will be for the Arabs in the area as well. When we add improvements in infrastructure of water and electricity, it is the same infrastructure that will be supplied to the Arab villages who live in the area. My worries and concerns for the future of the area are for the entire region. The Arabs will benefit from improvements to the roads, water, and electricity, and will enhance their well-being. When that happens, the area will be calmer.”

Although Likud, Union of Right-Wing Parties, and others on the right, support settlement in theory, the Nahala Movement, a settlement group, is doing something about it. They are promoting an Israeli settlement plan introduced under the government of late Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in the early 1980s. The main objective is to settle 2 million Jews in Judea and Samaria. Nahala activists have been demanding the next government work toward the settlement of all of Judea and Samaria, and to abandon the idea of a two-state solution.

They have been collecting signatures on a petition that reads, “I hereby commit to be loyal to the land of Israel, not to cede one inch of our inheritance from our forefathers. I hereby commit to act to realize the settlement plan, for the settlement of 2 million Jews in Judea and Samaria, in accordance with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's plan, as well as to encourage and lead the redemption of all the lands throughout Judea and Samaria. I commit to act to cancel the declaration of two states for two peoples and replace it with the stately declaration: The Land of Israel: One country for one people.”

Likud members who have signed this declaration include Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, Environmental Protection and Jerusalem Affairs Minister Ze’ev Elkin, Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, Culture Minister Miri Regev, Regional Cooperation Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, Communication Minister Ayoub Kara, Immigration and Absorption Minister Yoav Gallant, Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel and Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, both of the New Right party, also signed the petition.

Exercising sovereignty means massive Jewish re-settlement of Judea and Samaria and encouraging Arab emigration from there. It means total control over the infrastructure, and the lives of the former PA Arabs who stay. And, it also means responsibility, to help improve the lives of those Arabs who choose to stay and live peacefully with Jews.

According to a mid-February poll conducted by Commanders for Israel’s Security, which opposes annexation, they found that 60 percent of those surveyed were against annexation, while 24 percent supported it, and 16 percent were undecided.

In late March, a survey by the Geocartographia Institute, found that 73% of Israelis oppose withdrawal from Judea and Samaria and the division of Jerusalem in order to establish a Palestinian state. Of those who oppose a Palestinian state, 85% support one of three proposals, application of sovereignty over Jewish settlements only (45.%); application of sovereignty over all of Area C (18.7%); or application of sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria and granting residency status to the Arabs, such as in East Jerusalem (21.3%).

If those numbers are anywhere near accurate, then just putting the annexation issue onto the agenda isn’t enough. To win over a majority of Israelis, annexation plans must be presented in more detail than is currently being discussed. They need to be made more realistic, and address the numerous issues involved in applying Israeli sovereignty to Judea and Samaria.

Now let’s look at some:

Policy Ideas for Extending Israeli Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria

1. Nullify the Oslo Accords and pass a bill in the Knesset to apply Israeli law over Judea and Samaria, for the establishment of Jewish Political Sovereignty to areas A, B, and C, i.e. Annexation.

2. Establish total military and security control over all of Judea and Samaria, including the Arab cities, towns and villages, and de-militarize the Arab population.

3. Develop a Jewish Re-settlement Program to encourage Israelis and Jews from the diaspora, to re-populate the Biblical Heartland of Israel, rebuilding cities, towns, and villages, that were wiped out during nearly 2,000 years of foreign occupation.

4. Forcibly dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

5. Arrest and try the PA leadership and Palestinazi terrorists and activists (or eliminate them if arrest is impossible), for their encouragement and support of terrorism, i.e. crimes against the Jewish people, like what was done with Eichmann, and as should have been done to Arafat.

6. Introduce throughout the Arab sector in Judea and Samaria (the former PA), a comprehensive De-Palestinazification Program similar to what America introduced into Germany after their defeat in World War II.

7. Establish an Emigration Authority and the Monetary Encouragement Act to help encourage and fund the migration of Arabs from Judea and Samaria who choose to leave to another country.

8. For those Arabs who chose to stay, and take the citizenship path, a New Citizenship Council will be established. The council will have the authority to deny citizenship to those Arabs who break the law, which of course will included any form of resistance to Israeli Sovereignty. Deportation without compensation will be the lightest penalty; more grievous violations will receive the death penalty.

9. With Sovereignty comes responsibility, so Israel will establish a network of Israeli Police Stations throughout the Arab sector in Judea and Samaria, just as in the Jewish sector. The purpose, to keep law and order, and provide security to those Arabs who choose to live peacefully under Israeli rule, i.e. protect them from bullying and terror, from “Palestinazi Activists” who haven’t yet been arrested, tried and convicted.

10. With the Dismantling of the Palestinian Authority, Israel as sole Sovereign in the Area, will take control of all public services and municipal administration. Monies shall be invested into improved infrastructure, e.g. roads, electricity, water, and the sewer system.

11. By taking control over the educational system in the Arab sector, Israel can introduce a new pro-Israel, peaceful coexistence curricula, which includes it’s De-Palistinazification Program. Financial encouragement of Israeli Arab educators to work in the Arab sector of Judea and Samaria, should help introduce pro-Israel attitudes and Hebrew into the population.

12. A Healthcare improvement initiative will be started, including the financial encouragement of existing Israeli Arab medical personnel, to work in the Arab sector of Judea and Samaria. More contact between Israeli Arab citizens and the Arab citizens of Judea and Samaria, will help with their integration into Israel, long-term.

13. The new Arab citizens of Judea and Samaria, will be entitled to full civil rights and equality before the law with Jews, including civil and criminal adjudication in the Israeli court system, just as Israeli Arabs. They also will be responsible to pay all taxes, just like other Israelis. They also will be required to do National Service (but not army service), as will Israeli Arabs.

14. Starting in 2048, and upon approval of the New Citizenship Council in coordination with the security services, municipal self-rule will begin to be progressively introduced into the Arab sector of Judea and Samaria, contingent upon their cooperation with Israeli authorities and peaceful, proper and lawful behavior up until then. Cities, towns and villages that qualify, will then be given the opportunity to hold democratic elections and elect their own municipal administrations under the auspices of the of the New Citizenship Council. Those towns would now be allowed to collect their own tax money and fund and administer, their own municipal budgets.

15. But, as a former enemy population, they are are not entitled to national self-determination within the State of Israel, the Nation-State of the Jewish People. Therefore, the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, are not entitled to vote in Knesset elections. Full citizenship, like Israeli Arabs, which includes the right to vote in national elections, will be offered to them in three generations or seventy years whichever is longer, contingent upon their full cooperation with Israeli authorities, good and lawful behavior, and with the approval of the security services and the New Citizenship Council.

I have presented here just one possible scenario, policies that still need to be fleshed out with even more detail, of what to do with the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, once Israeli sovereignty has been established there.

As the issue is put on the top of the political agenda, all scenarios being presented to the public, need to be well thought out, explained in detail and fully discussed, to achieve support and total success.
This generation’s major challenge is, how the Jewish people will achieve full integration of Judea and Samaria (the Biblical Heartland), into the modern State of Israel.

Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
(c) 2019/5779 Pasko

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Israeli Policy Prescription: How to Annex Judea and Samaria

Israeli PM Netanyahu recently dropped a bombshell during an interview on Channel 12 television. First he said, that if he leads the next government, he will work with “all the right-wing parties.” Then, when asked, why he hadn’t yet annexed two large areas near Jerusalem, Gush Etzion and Ma’aleh Adumim, Netanyahu replied, “We are on the way. We are in discussions.” Those aren’t the bombshells.

“I obtained President Trump’s declaration on the Golan Heights, which says that it is our territory forever,” Netanyahu said. He continued, “I persuaded him to recognize Jerusalem. I will not divide Jerusalem, I will not uproot a single settlement and I will make sure we control all the territory west of the Jordan.”

But control does not necessarily mean sovereignty...

Then he dropped the bomb, “Yes, I’ll apply sovereignty. I don’t separate the large [settlement] blocs from the isolated points [settlements in Judea and Samaria].”

But, he’s only talking about parts of Area C...

Yochai Damari, head of the Mount Hebron Regional Council, stated that he “welcomed the prime minister’s clear statement.”

I’m not so sure how clear it is…

Damari called on Netanyahu “to act towards the application of sovereignty as a first step with the establishment of the new government, and to stand firm against the pressures of the Americans and others with the publication of Trump’s Deal of the Century.” Referring to Trump’s pending peace plan, which is expected to be published after the elections, Damari said, “This is the time to commit with actions to our sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.”

Explaining why he was against a Palestinian state and for annexation, “If we learned anything,” Netanyahu said, referring to Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, after which it was taken over by Hamas in 2007, “it is that if you abandon territory, extremist radical Islam and Iran step in, and I am not about to hand over the heart of Israel.”

Later, in an interview with Arutz Sheva, PM Netanyahu stated, “I prefer to do it with American support. I spoke about it with the relevant authorities and it takes time to coordinate. I am not talking about the entire area, but first of all about the settlements. Not just the blocs, but the blocs and the isolated settlements, I do not [intend to] abandon them or transfer them to Palestinian rule, which would destroy them.”

When asked about whether he agreed to the establishment of a Palestinian state, Netanyahu said, “There will be no Palestinian state, not as people talk about it. It will not be because I am making sure of it. I am not uprooting settlements, rather applying sovereignty to them. I am maintaining a united Jerusalem and I am maintaining our control on the entire area west of the Jordan River to prevent another Gaza. This is my policy. I told that to the Americans, President Trump and President Obama. Vice President Biden told me that this is not a state. I told him to call it whatever he wanted. He said it was not sovereignty. I said that that’s what I'm willing to do, that's all.”

Netanyahu said he planned on carrying out the annexation gradually and with American agreement. “I brought President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem, the transfer of the embassy and the recognition in the Golan Heights, which is very important to what I plan in Judea and Samaria.”

Netanyahu then met with the heads of local councils in Judea and Samaria. He promised them, that immediately after the elections, he would apply sovereignty over the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomron Regional Council, asked the prime minister whether sovereignty would also be applied in the communities located outside the so-called “settlement blocs,” and Netanyahu promised that this would indeed be the case.

Netanyahu’s recent change of heart, supporting sovereignty, still is muddled thinking...

It follows a growing list of Israeli public figures who support Ribonut (The Sovereignty Movement), that’s been spearheaded by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, from “Women in Green.” Yet these public figures haven’t provided details on exactly how they will carry it out, actual policies.

The New Right’s Platform simply states, “The Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people and opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked told Israel Hayom, in mid February, “We [her and Bennett, the New Right] are in favor of applying Israeli law to Area C, where 100,000 Palestinians live. They will be able to choose to become citizens or residents, whichever they prefer.”

When asked whether 400,000 residents of Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods would also receive full Israeli citizenship and the right to vote in Israel’s elections, Shaked said, “Jerusalem’s residents choose to receive residency, not citizenship. But, if we apply Israeli law to Area C, I’ll live peacefully with the fact that we gave 400-500,000 Palestinians, Israeli citizenship, and allowed them to vote in the Knesset’s elections. I’m not worried. Their birthrate is identical to our birthrate.”

More muddled thinking…

Moshe Feiglin’s Zehut Party is a little better, but not much. While advocating the annexation of Areas A, B, and C, all Judea and Samaria, and offering monetary incentives to encourage the emigration of the Arabs from there; he then muddles the message by saying, that Zehut will allow armed terrorists to leave the country with their weapons, honorably...?

In offering permanent resident status to the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, he states, “After a period of time to be determined according to security needs...”

Very unclear timeline, sounds too short...

Regarding full Israeli citizenship status, the Zehut Platform mentions the need to perform military or national service, and then states, “Of course, those who collaborated with Israel in the past will receive a faster and shorter process.”

There’s no De-Palistinazification Program discussed, nor Israeli control of infrastructure; no discussion of changes to the educational system, and it allows the Arabs in Judea and Samaria to immediately “choose their own municipal leadership and pay municipal taxes.”

It gives too much freedom to a recent enemy population…

The Union of Right-Wing Parties’ Platform states simply, “We regard the territories of Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip as an inseparable part of the Land of Israel and the State of Israel, and we will act with all our might to apply Israeli sovereignty and law to the Land of Israel. We aspire to the resettlement of Gush Katif and northern Samaria,” with no details.

In 2017, Betzalel Smotrich wrote about his “One Hope Plan,” where he talked about economic incentive to encourage Arab emigration from Judea and Samaria and then said, “The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will conduct their daily lives on their own terms via regional municipal administrations lacking national characteristics. Like other local authorities these will hold their own elections, and will maintain regular economic and municipal relations between themselves and authorities of the State of Israel. In time, and contingent on loyalty to the state and its institutions, and on military or national service, models of residency and even citizenship will become available.”

Again the timeline is fuzzy, and no talk of infrastructure control, or De-Palistinazification. And, what’s this about military service for a recent enemy population…?

Both Feiglin/Zehut and Smotrich, address the possible “Apartheid” accusation. But, since they don’t discuss serious policies, about improving the life of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria (what I call “Sovereignty with Responsibility”), nor clear timelines for status issues, their answers to the “Apartheid” accusation are weak, in my opinion.

By contrast, The Yesha Council, the umbrella organization of municipal councils of Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria, does have a master plan, called “Hazon Ha-Million” (the Vision of One Million), to double the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria, which currently numbers 450,000, to one million, within the next ten years.

“If you look at all of the investments in infrastructure in the past 10 years, there was relatively little in Judea and Samaria,” says Hananel Dorani, chairman of the council, who also serves as head of the local council of Kedumim. “Today, we are busy making master plans for electricity, transportation, water, alternative energy, industry, the economy, and the environment. If there will be four-lane highways here, it will give greater momentum to further settlement.”

They emphasize that their plan addresses the “Apartheid” issue. Planned improvements to the infrastructure will benefit the entire population, both Jewish and Arab. CEO Yigal Dilmoni explained, “We are certain that we will be here and that we will stay forever, and we know that Arabs will be here as well. So, when I worry about the construction of a new road, so that there will not be accidents, it is not a road that will be for just for me, but rather, it will be for the Arabs in the area as well. When we add improvements in infrastructure of water and electricity, it is the same infrastructure that will be supplied to the Arab villages who live in the area. My worries and concerns for the future of the area are for the entire region. The Arabs will benefit from improvements to the roads, water, and electricity, and will enhance their well-being. When that happens, the area will be calmer.”

Although Zehut, Union of Right-Wing Parties, the New Right, and Likud all support settlement in theory, the Nahala Movement, a settlement group, is doing something about it. They are promoting an Israeli settlement plan introduced under the government of late Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in the early 1980s. The main objective is to settle 2 million Jews in Judea and Samaria. Nahala activists have been demanding the next government work toward the settlement of all of Judea and Samaria, and to abandon the idea of a two-state solution.

They have been collecting signatures on a petition that reads, “I hereby commit to be loyal to the land of Israel, not to cede one inch of our inheritance from our forefathers. I hereby commit to act to realize the settlement plan, for the settlement of 2 million Jews in Judea and Samaria, in accordance with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's plan, as well as to encourage and lead the redemption of all the lands throughout Judea and Samaria. I commit to act to cancel the declaration of two states for two peoples and replace it with the stately declaration: The Land of Israel: One country for one people.”

Likud members who have signed this declaration include Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, Environmental Protection and Jerusalem Affairs Minister Ze’ev Elkin, Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, Culture Minister Miri Regev, Regional Cooperation Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, Communication Minister Ayoub Kara, Immigration and Absorption Minister Yoav Gallant, Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel and Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, both of the New Right party, also signed the petition.

So on one hand, exercising sovereignty means massive Jewish re-settlement of Judea and Samaria and encouraging Arab emigration from there, total control over the infrastructure, and lives of the former PA Arabs who stay; and on the other hand, responsibility to help improve the lives of those Arabs who choose to stay and live peacefully with Jews.

According to a mid-February poll conducted by Commanders for Israel’s Security, which opposes annexation, they found that 60 percent of those surveyed were against annexation, while 24 percent supported it, and 16 percent were undecided. If those numbers are anywhere near accurate, then just putting the annexation issue onto the agenda isn’t enough. To win over a majority of Israelis, annexation plans must be presented in more detail than is currently being discussed. They need to be made more realistic, and address the numerous issues involved in applying Israeli sovereignty to Judea and Samaria.

Now lets look at some:

Policy Prescriptions for Extending Israeli Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria

1. Nullify the Oslo Accords and pass a bill in the Knesset to apply Israeli law over Judea and Samaria, for the establishment of Jewish Political Sovereignty to areas A, B, and C, i.e. Annexation.

2. Establish total military control over all of Judea and Samaria, including the Arab cities, towns and villages, and de-militarize the Arab population.

3. Develop a Jewish Re-settlement Program to encourage Israelis and Jews from the diaspora, to re-populate the Biblical Heartland of Israel, rebuilding cities, towns, and villages, that were wiped out during nearly 2,000 years of foreign occupation.

4. Forcibly dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

5. Arrest and try the PA leadership and Palestinazi terrorists and activists (or eliminate them if arrest is impossible), for their encouragement and support of terrorism, i.e. crimes against the Jewish people, like what was done with Eichmann, and as should have been done to Arafat.

6. Introduce throughout the Arab sector in Judea and Samaria (the former PA), a comprehensive De-Palestinazification Program similar to what America introduced into Germany after their defeat in World War II.

7. Establish an Emigration Authority and the Monetary Encouragement Act to help encourage and fund the migration of Arabs from Judea and Samaria who choose to leave to another country.

8. For those Arabs who chose to stay, and take the citizenship path, a New Citizenship Council will be established. The council will have the authority to deny citizenship to those Arabs who break the law, which of course will included any form of resistance to Israeli Sovereignty. Deportation without compensation will be the lightest penalty; more grievous violations will receive the death penalty.

9. With Sovereignty comes responsibility, so Israel will establish a network of Israeli Police Stations throughout the Arab sector in Judea and Samaria, just as in the Jewish sector. The purpose, to keep law and order, and provide security to those Arabs who choose to live peacefully under Israeli rule, i.e. protect them from bullying and terror, from “Palestinazi Activists” who haven’t yet been arrested, tried and convicted.

10. With the Dismantling of the Palestinian Authority, Israel as sole Sovereign in the Area, will take control of all public services and municipal administration. Monies shall be invested into improved infrastructure, e.g. roads, electricity, water, and the sewer system.

11. By taking control over the educational system in the Arab sector, Israel can introduce a new pro-Israel, peaceful coexistence curricula, which includes it’s De-Palistinazification Program. Financial encouragement of Israeli Arab educators to work in the Arab sector of Judea and Samaria, should help introduce pro-Israel attitudes and Hebrew into the population.

12. A Healthcare improvement initiative will be started, including the financial encouragement of existing Israeli Arab medical personnel, to work in the Arab sector of Judea and Samaria. More contact between Israeli Arab citizens and the Arab citizens of Judea and Samaria, will help with their integration into Israel, long-term.

13. The new Arab citizens of Judea and Samaria, will be entitled to full civil rights and equality before the law with Jews, including civil and criminal adjudication in the Israeli court system, just as Israeli Arabs. They also will be responsible to pay all taxes, just like other Israelis. They also will be required to do National Service (but not army service), as will Israeli Arabs.

14. Starting in 2048, and upon approval of the New Citizenship Council in coordination with the security services, municipal self-rule will begin to be progressively introduced into the Arab sector of Judea and Samaria, contingent upon their cooperation with Israeli authorities and peaceful, proper and lawful behavior up until then. Cities, towns and villages that qualify, will then be given the opportunity to hold democratic elections and elect their own municipal administrations under the auspices of the of the New Citizenship Council. Those towns would now be allowed to collect their own tax money and fund and administer, their own municipal budgets.

15. But, as a former enemy population, they are are not entitled to national self-determination within the State of Israel, the Nation-State of the Jewish People. Therefore, the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, are not entitled to vote in Knesset elections. Full citizenship, like Israeli Arabs, which includes the right to vote in national elections, will be offered to them in three generations or seventy years whichever is longer, contingent upon their full cooperation with Israeli authorities, good and lawful behavior, and with the approval of the security services and the New Citizenship Council.

I have presented just one possible scenario, policies that still need to be fleshed out with even more detail, of what to do with the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, once Israeli sovereignty has been established there. As the issue is put on the top of the political agenda, any other scenarios being presented to the public, need to be well thought out, and fully discussed, to achieve total success. This is my contribution to that process.
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
(c) 2019/5779 Pasko


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tazria: Spiritual Leprosy and Real Faith In G-d

In this week’s Torah reading, Tazria, it says, “A man who has on the skin of his flesh a blotch, discoloration, or spot…” (VaYikra 13:2).

The Midrash Tanchuma (Tazria 6) tells a story about a certain Kohen – Priest, that treated and cured Tzaarat – spiritual leprosy, and other skin disorders. He became poor, and planned to leave the Land of Israel in order to seek a livelihood. He informed his wife of his plan to leave, but told her, “Since many people come to me to cure them, its difficult for me to leave and abandon them.” The Kohen decided to teach his wife how to identify the disorders. He explained to her that every single hair has its own root well, that waters that particular strand of hair. When this source dries up, the hair begins to dry up too. His wife then rebuked him for thinking of leaving Israel, and said to him, “If G-d provides every single hair with its own source of nourishment, how much more you, a man who has many hairs, and whose children depend upon you for their sustenance, will be granted a well, a livelihood from G-d.” She therefore didn’t allow him to leave Eretz Yisrael.

Imagine the simple faith of this Kohen’s wife, certain that in doing the Mitzvah of Yashuv HaAretz, the commandment of living in the Land of Israel, the G-d of Israel would provide for their needs, just as He provides nourishment for every hair.

Almost a thousand years ago, Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi in his Sefer HaKuzari, confronted the “Shanda” – the shame of his time.

When questioned by the King of the Kuzars, if its a mitzvah to live in the Land of Israel, why do Jews mourn for Jerusalem, yet not go to live there? The rabbi replied, “You have shamed me O King, because of this sin, G-d’s great plan for the Second Temple, never came to fruition. ‘Sing and be glad O daughter of Zion. Behold I am coming and I will dwell among you.’ (Zechariah 2:14). G-d’s Divine Presence would have returned as in the First Temple, if only they had returned to Eretz Yisrael, with a willing heart, but only a few did. The majority, including their leaders, the ‘Big Machers’ – Big Shots, stayed in Babylon, accepting exile and living under gentile rule, as long as they didn’t have to be separated from their homes and businesses.”   

So too, we are confronted today, with “religious” Jews in America, France and elsewhere, who are still sitting on the fence, and don’t make Aliyah – move to Israel. I won’t even mention rising anti-Semitism globally, as a good reason to come home. And, I didn’t even mention, the more assimilated elements of the Jewish people, because they don’t know any better, or aren’t believers.

Israel of today is not Eretz Yisrael of a thousand years ago, desolate, difficult to get to, and ruled by hostile foreigners. The State of Israel has a thriving economy. More Jews are studying Torah in Israel today, than at least since the Second Temple period. Its much easier to be a religious Jew here. And, more of Eretz Yisrael is under the Jewish people’s control, than since biblical times. G-d’s promised redemption is happening before our eyes.

Why don’t “religious” Jews flock here?

The answer it seems to me is the same as why “religious” Jews, mainly in the exile, have condemned those on the political right in Israel, for participating with Otzma Yehudit during elections. Lack of faith!

Certainly the Kohen in the above story, was a good “religious” Jew, going to synagogue every morning, saying “Ani Ma’amin – I Believe...” and setting a fixed time to study Torah every day, just like many “religious” Jews today. But, that’s where their “belief” ends. When it comes to “reality,” a real life situation, either on the personal or national-political level, all faith comes to an end, “You have to be practical...”

So, when it comes to Parnasa – their livelihood, Aliyah and Eretz Yisrael take second place. And, when it comes to geo-political and security issues, many will trust in America and the “Peace Process,” not the G-d of Israel. This affliction effects even “righteous” Jews. The rabbis in Talmud Sotah 48b ask, “What causes the righteous to receive less of a portion in the Next World? And then answer, Smallness.” Rashi the great Talmudic commentator explains, “Smallness in faith.”

Smallness in the faith that the G-d of Israel protects His people, not Trump, not Putin, nor any other frail human…

Remember, “The heart of the king is in the Hand of G-d,” (Proverbs 21:1).

Just as there is Divine HashgachaProvidence, for each root of hair, to provide what it needs to grow, and just as the Midrash teaches, “Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers: Grow! Grow!” (Genesis Rabbah 10:6); so too, the unfolding redemptive process, is Divinely directed.

Its the job of truly religious Jews to keep the Torah, and do G-d’s commandments, which includes, moving to Israel, even if it means reducing living standards. It means, settling all liberated parts of the Land of Israel (building new towns in Judea and Samaria). It means, returning to targeted killings of Hamas leaders and vigorously suppressing rocket fire on innocent Israelis. It means, expelling enemies who try to harm Jews. It means exercising complete political sovereignty over all of Eretz Yisrael under our control. It means, not worrying, “what will the world say.” This is how Jews in the exile and in Israel, will be cured of their spiritual leprosy today.

Trust in a Peace Process, to be revealed after the Israeli elections, staying in the exile, and continuing the status quo regarding enemies of the Jewish people, are for those of little faith…
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
(c) 2019/5779 Pasko